Health and Safety in Moraira 

Moraira is a peaceful little town and the ideal place to spend a relaxing holiday with your family. Accidents are rare and crime rates are very low. It is nonetheless important to be aware of some issues that could spoil your holiday. Forewarned is forearmed ! The point of today’s article is not to make you anxious about your holiday, we rarely have to deal with serious issues, but to give you honest information about the area.

Remember that we are here to help you and we are available 7/7. If anything happens please count on us to advise you and help you sort out any issues, don’t be shy ! 

You can also check our Facebook, where we post regularly with info on the area.

10 tips on Health and Safety in Moraira 

Stay hydrated

Temperatures rise in the summer and can easily reach 40º C. Dehydration is fairly common, especially with elderly and young people. Remember to drink regularly, even if you don’t feel thirsty. (..and by drinking we mean..drink water, beers and mojitos don’t count ;

If you are traveling with a pet, don’t forget them as they suffer from the heat. Fill a bowl with water and ice to refresh them throughout the day. 

Beware of the sun

This is no scoop but the sun is out most of the time in Moraira and does a lot of damage ( if we had a $ for every burned shoulders we see in the summer…we’d be rich ). When in Rome, do as the Romans : stay inside between 12h and 16h and avoid sun and intensive exercise. SPF 30+ sunscreen is your best friend and don’t forget to reapply after being in the sea. 



Aaah mosquitoes…these little bugs from hell can truly turn a holiday into a nightmare. Moraira is frequently subjected to invasions of Tiger Mosquitoes. Our tips :

  • Cover arms and legs in the evenings : long dresses, linen trousers etc 
  • Pharmacies sell armbands that repel mosquitoes : great for children 
  • Don’t forget your mosquito spray and light lemongrass candles 
  • If you are traveling with a pet we recommend checking with your vet before your holiday. Leismanosis is a very common illness here in Moraira and is transmitted by mosquitoes and sand flies. Make sure they are wearing a special repellent collar. 
  • Most of our villas  have mosquito nets on the windows but remember to close windows and doors in the evening. 
Jellyfish & Co

Jellyfishes are quite rare in Moraira but we do spot them once in a while. Most of the time they are perfectly harmless but it is important to be aware of the differences between harmless and dangerous :

méduses morairaIf you spot a jellyfish in Moraira it will probably be this one, they are usually no bigger than a fist and harmless. 


This is something different altogether : The Portuguese Caravela is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS and cause severe burns and even heart attacks. The filaments can spread across a few meters and can cause a lot of pain. It is important to alert local authorities if you spot one and to make sure the area is evacuated. This jellyfish is very rarely spotted in Moraira and is normally detected by local fishermen before even reaching the beaches. 


Access to the villas and break ins

Moraira is a peaceful town but the amount of visitors in the summer can attract ill-intentioned people. We ask our guests to DENY access to the properties to anyone except cleaning and maintenance staff. Some crooks target holiday rentals and try to gain access to the villa by claiming they are checking gas installations etc. This is a perfect opportunity to distract you and steal purses and phones. 

Please, if anyone is asking to have access to the villa, CALL US to make sure they have authorization. 

Break ins are rare in Moraira and do not involve violence. The most common case ? Thieves wait for the family to gather around the pool to enter the villa through the unlocked front door and steal purses, cash and phones. Always make sure that all doors are locked when you are at pool. 


Airport and Highways

The Alicante – Barcelona road is one of the busiest in the country and unfortunately attracts all sorts of thieves. 

Most frequent cases : 

  • Airport parking : Pickpockets wait for the families to load their rental cars on the parking to steal suitcases and handbags. Always make sure someone is keeping an eye on your belongings when loading and unloading the car.  
  • Bag-snatcher : Usually happens on highway petrol stations. They take advantage of an open car door or a moment of distraction to snatch bags and leave on a motorbike. 
  • Fake signals : A car seems to signal to you that your car is having some issues and tells you to pull over. You get out of the car to check it and they use these few seconds to steal the car or your belongings. They usually target solo travelers or couples. 

Our area regularly suffers from devastating forest fires, the latest fire was in 2017 and destroyed most of the Granadella Park. 

We ask our guests to be extremely careful when smoking outdoors or on hiking routes. Lighting fires without a permit is a very serious felony in Spain so don’t risk it. Be careful when lighting candles etc in the houses. 


Petition signatures

You will surely spot them during your holiday and if they bother you, we recommend to be very firm and threaten to call the police. These crooks pretend to be deaf and ask you to sign petitions to raise money. This is only a tactic to distract you while an accomplice empties your pocket. If you do fill in the form they give you, your personal information will then be sold online, so it’s a win win for them. 


Marine currents

Beaches in Moraira are safe and family-friendly. It is nonetheless important to be aware of changing deep water currents, especially if you enjoy swimming in deep water. The calmness of the water can trick you and you might realize the strength of the currents when it’s too late. The emergency services have to intervene on numerous occasions during the summer. 

Be aware of boats and jet skis if you are swimming outside of regulated areas and beaches. Accidents are unfortunately quite common. 



Moraira and the area is a paradise for Hiking lovers. 

It is essential though to check the difficulty level of each routes, as accidents are frequent. Some paths are narrow and quite dangerous and rock falls can occur on certain routes. Check with the local Tourist Info Office and remember to pack good shoes and plenty of water. 







96 574 09 46


965 73 90 80



Pharmacy Moraira centre 

Calle de la Iglesia, 6, 03724 Moraira, 965 74 40 21

Open Mon – Frid de 09h00 a 19h00

Sat de 09h00 a 14h00


Pharmacy El Portet 

Avenida del Portet, 161 –  966 49 15 02

Open Mon – Frid de 09h00 a 13h30 et 16h30 – 19h30

Sat de 09h00 a 13h30

Pharmacy Platgetes 

Carretera Moraira a Calpe, 116, 966490055

Open Mon – Frid 09h00 a 20h00 and Sat – Sun de 09h00 a 14h00

Pharmacy Solpark 

Calle Ciudad. Real, 2 – 965 74 00 87

Ouverte Lun – Ven de 09h00 a 19h00

Sam de 09h00 a 14h00

Clinica Moraira

Ctra. Moraira-Benitachell, 22 – 966 49 50 06

Open Mon – Frid 09h00 a 19h00

Sat de 10h00 a 14h00

Clinic Internationale

Ctra. Moraira a Calpe, 124 –  966 49 12 59

Open Mon – Frid de 09h30 a 17h00

Sat de 10h00 a 13h00

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